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powered by Florida Luxury Realty

License #: CQ1010234

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The long view: Take the Inman Intel Index survey for September

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Wed, 2024-09-18 04:00
A month into the NAR settlement era, the Inman Intel Index is tracking the impact on buyers, sellers, agents and brokerages. Add your voice to real estate's most ambitious monthly survey today.

5 strategies for unleashing your negotiation power in real estate 

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Wed, 2024-09-18 03:00
If you want to be a better negotiator, pace yourself, come prepared with examples in hand, and collaborate to arrive at the best possible decision for your clients, trainer Bernice Ross writes.

7 tips for guiding homebuyers through the VA loan process

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Wed, 2024-09-18 03:00
Are your clients considering a Veterans Affairs home loan? Let Clever Real Estate’s Luke Babich walk you through the most common pain points to help ease the process for your buyers.

Attorneys request $226M from NAR and HomeServices deals

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Tue, 2024-09-17 18:55
Law professor estimates the plaintiffs' law firms are asking for only 3 percent of the total value of the deals when 'historic' business practice changes are taken into account.

Umansky threatens to sue NAR as pocket listing pressure mounts

USA Real Estate News-Inman - Tue, 2024-09-17 17:27
The Agency CEO and founder said he plans to revive a lawsuit against NAR over a pocket listing network. The threat came days after NAR officials convened to reevaluate Clear Cooperation.
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